This is really friggin uncomfortable.

My husband and I just celebrated 20 years of marriage. We have 5 kids. I was just diagnosed with cancer. These are my stories. (Did you just hear the Law & Order sound effect, because I totally did.)  **Names have been changed to protect the innocent (Holy cow, I just heard the Dragnet voice then)

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Having breast cancer is very much like being pregnant:

  • I’m fatigued as hell

  • I have a ton of doctor’s appointments

  • I can’t plan for the future

  • My husband answers all of calls, even if he's busy at work or in a meeting
  • Instead of baby brain, I have cancer brain
  • Something is growing inside me

  • I keep feeling my bump to see if it's grown or moved
  • I can’t exercise the way I want

  • I want to snack all the time

  • I’m voraciously hungry (although this goes along with the snacking, it’s different; voraciously hungry requires something with weight to it, like a veggie burger, whereas snacking is something “seemingly” light like peanut-butter-filled pretzels. Voracity will cause me to go through a Taco Bell drive-thru and get a Black Bean Grilled Cheese Burrito and then contemplate going through ANOTHER drive-thru TB WHILE I’M STILL DRIVING to order the exact same thing…I mean, it’s not like I’d be going to the SAME one twice…)

  • I’m nesting (this one actually scares me a bit–like I’m cleaning out my hoard so that my family doesn’t have to do it over my dead body)

  • I can’t get Elizabeth McGovern’s line from She’s Having a Baby out of my mind: “I gotta get it out! I gotta get it out!”



The dog won't let me exercise

The dog won't let me sleep

My boobs won't let me sleep