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Get me outta this bath tub...I'm withered.

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When I was younger, I went to a church retreat trip, which had a little chapel.  We were sitting in the pews, and there was an older lady sitting in the pew in front of me.  The kid behind her was kicking the back of her pew, making her rock back and forth.  She turned around, and I completely expected her to get angry.  Instead, she looked at me and smiled. "Feels like a massage," she said.  That blew my mind. 


I’m looking through pictures from last year and I totally feel like I’m watching that show Evil Lives Here.  It’s where there’s a serial killer in the family or someone who totally snaps and kills a bunch of people.  The families are always stunned, but usually not surprised because there was something off about that person.  It might be that they were suspected of torturing animals when they were younger.  Or maybe it’s a person that started having abusive tendencies or slowly became a recluse.  I found a photo of me from November 2023 where my shirt is completely hugging my boobs.  I thought it was hysterical, so I had to take a picture.  Looking back on it now, I think the universe was trying to tell me something.  I didn’t know I was living with a killer…but there were signs…

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